All videos are in mpeg format and can be viewed with media player. To save, right click and click SAVE TARGET AS. They may take awhile to load but it's worth the wait. These videos are copyright John Louis and are for viewing purposes only. If you would like your own copy of his work, please contact him for further information. Thank you.
Finding a Volunteer [
about: John Louis picking a volunteer
title: Getting Slimed [View]
about: John Louis trying to slime a volunteer
length: 1:40
title: Snowball the Magic Rabbit [View]
about: John Louis showing everyone Snowball
length: 3:47
title: Clowning Around [View]
about: John Louis having fun with a volunteer
length: 2:40
title: Musical Montage [View]
about: John Louis Unleashed: Watch John Louis demonstrate the full range of his remarkable skills
length: 1:12
Thrilling Stunts <-- view dangerous magic tricks